Tuesday 7 May 2013

final piece 1- figure drawing

this figure drawing has a nice pose, we can clearly see that the figure is facing towards the viewer and movement in the hands show the figure is drawing and holding the book steady.the proportion on the figure seems accurate the hight and with of the body look within proportion, however I think the width of the left leg is slightly higher than the other leg. some areas which need improving is the head, there is a little detail such as the hair, but face is just blank thats one area that needs work, also the arms dont show any muscle structure and are sausage limbs. there is some shading within this image best use of it is on the right leg where is shows the knee and the back of the knee, more work needs to be done on the clothing such as any creases or folds in the clothes there is a little bit such as on the back but more needs to be added.

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