Monday 6 May 2013

week 11 modern architecture

 this drawing has good composition as we have some depth with smaller buildings in the background which helps add more detail to the overall image. the curved building is in the foreground help balance the image which makes it more appealing to the viewer and adds another layer of depth to the image. and the mid-ground of the image becomes the main focus point as the image has some added detail with the buildings windows they have been drawn with more detail however the values on the windows are the same through out, some of the window panels could of been improved by adding  different values. there are some line and implied line within this image. the tops of the buildings have actual lines which guides the eye from the top left of the image to the right of the image. the curve on the building in the foreground is an implied line as your eye would be inclined to follow the curve which will lead the eye across the image. there is some slight shading here such as the ground there is a strong dark values to indicate the shadow of the curved building however the shadow is far to dark and doesn't blend with the floor well, the shadow should of been lightly inked in.there also could of been a bit more added detail in the the rest of the buildings such as the curved building.     

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